Wednesday, July 25, 2007

The John Edwards "First and Often Only" List

1st candidate to respond to DFA (Democracy For America) with a clear plan for ending the war in Iraq.

1st candidate to respond to DFA with a clear, detailed plan for environmental action on issues like energy independence and global warming.

1st and only of the "big 3" candidates to publicly support the 2006 Kerry - Feingold amendment to set a timetable for withdrawal from Iraq. When asked about the amendemnt on ABC News' This Week Edwards said that he supported the amendment. Both Senator Obama and Senator Clinton voted against it.

1st and only of the "big 3" candidates to support stopping the escalation of the war in Iraq by cutting of the funding for the "surge". Both Senator Obama and Senator Clinton stopped short.

1st and only of the "big 3" candidates to make it clear from the outset where he stood on the recent vote on the recent Senate funding bill, also known as the "Capitulation Bill". Edwards made it clear from the start that he opposed any bill without timetables. Meanwhile Senators Obama and Clinton did not indicate which way they were going to vote. They engaged each other in a cheap game of "chicken" instead of showing leadership. In the end they were among the last to vote. Senator Obama voted first and the Senator Clinton, in typical fashion, followed.

1st major candidate to support Jim Webb's important Iran legislation.

Only one of the "big 3" who chose not to endorse Joe Lieberman in the 2006 Connecticut Senate primary.

1st major candidate to endorse and campaign for Ned Lamont against Joe Lieberman in the Connecticut Senate race. Edwards was also one of the first candidates to call for Lieberman to drop out of the race. Both John and Elizabeth Edwards said that because Lieberman had just run in the Democratic primary and lost to Lamont, Lieberman should honor the result of the primary.

Only major candidate to spend no money on polling in the first quarter of 2007.

1st and only major candidate to release a truly Universal Health Care plan.

1st candidate to release a comprehensive plan for Energy Independence / to combat Global Warming.

1st and only candidate to release a plan for Rural Recovery.

1st candidate to release a detailed and specific national security doctrine ("Smart Power") as well as a comprehensive plan specifically to stop terrorism (often referred to as "Cast Fear Aside").

1st candidate to say no to debate on FOX News. This happened not once but twice. Both times FOX news was scheduled to host a Democratic debate John Edwards was the first candidate to say no. He was also the only one to make it clear that he did so because FOX News is bias and he did not want to legitimize a Republican spin machine.

1st candidate to call for the resignation of Alberto Gonzales.

1st candidate to call for the resignation of Paul Wolfowitz.

1st candidate to accept the offer from the SEIU to work a union job for a day. He is also the only candidate to actually work the job of a union worker. The other candidates gave an interview to union workers.

1st candidate to appear on Meet the Press’ hour long interview series Meet the Candidate. Edwards has made it clear throughout the campaign that he wants every American to know where he stands on the issues and what he would do as president. While other candidates have shied away from hard questions Edwards has made it clear that he believes that it is his duty to answer them.

1st and only candidate to mention the passing of the late great Molly Ivins during his speech to the DNC's Winter Meeting. You cannot knock the other candidates for not mentioning her. They stick closely to their prepared remarks and just because they didn't mention her doesn't mean that they don't respect her. But in brining attention to her passing John Edwards displayed an important respect for powerful progressive voices.

1st and only candidate to lead a major effort to reform the Democratic party by encouraging Democrats running for office at all levels to reject money from DC lobbyists.


Beltway Progressive said...

Edwards' electability is why Karl Rove is so afraid of Edwards. I'll bet anything that the reason Rove resigned is so he can work for the NRC - without having to delete emails as he did at the White House - to marginalize Edwards and get Hillary. I have no problem with her, but The Republicans want to chose their opponent - as they did in Watergate, and they did with Kerry.
Rove needs to remember what happened to the last thug campaigner, Lee Atwater. God gave him brain cancer.

Anonymous said...

Great blog!! Keep up the hard work!!