Wednesday, September 5, 2007

OneCorps Online - Join Today

OneCorps Online: Weaving the Tapestry of the Fifty State Strategy via Online Community Building

"We all participate in weaving the social fabric; we should therefore all participate in patching the fabric when it develops holes--mismatches between old expectations and current realities." - A. Weisberg.

The Grassroots Edwards Chat Room founded OneCorps Online to connect Edwards supporters around the globe. The profile of OneCorps Online was developed to represent our mission and our goals as well as the tasks we are accomplishing while we work to bring our nation together in support of John Edwards for President.

This is our profile: "We are a friendly and dedicated group of John Edwards for President supporters from around the globe, organized via a Grassroots Edwards Chat Room . We coordinate online and community activities, including discussion forums about planks of JRE's platform, strategizing grassroots and netroots outreach through letter writing activism and blogging, creating hand-outs for "flyering" and "tabling" in your local community OneCorps chapters, as well as providing a forum for OneCorps chapters from every state to meet virtually. The forum is an innovative setting for an information database and communication hub for OneCorps chapters nationwide, putting the "50-state campaign strategy" into action. Longtime supporters, newcomers and seekers are all welcome to join OneCorps Online. GO JRE!"

Please join -- To find our chapter on the OneCorps page, you may also search using the zip code 20500.

Our chapter will conduct e-meetings in the Grassroots JRE Chatroom at this link: Our agenda includes a 'mythbusting' team to research and combat the propaganda spread by JRE's swiftboaters. We have helpful voter education candidate comparisons, and offer assistance in creating resources for canvassing and tabling - to demonstrate the superiority of Edwards' platform and his electability. Persuasive and enlightening JRE information will continue to be compiled and saved by subject in OCOmotion: a blog 'library' available for members to access and utilize in campaign efforts. Chapter members participate in letter-writing campaigns to the main stream media as well as efforts to persuade influential endorsements. Events also include "Debate Watching ChatHome Parties", "Virtual House Parties for Change" and action alerts to online response teams to respond to media pieces about Edwards.

To build a stronger chapter and knit the social fabric of this movement, we need YOU to join and contribute your strengths. If you are curious and want to know more, or if you have any questions, please visit the Grassroots JRE Chatroom at

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